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Volunteer with Us!

Our program provides both non-riding equine activities and farm/agriculturally based activities to individuals with differing abilities. There are volunteer opportunities in both equine and non-equine activities at the farm and off-site. Our staff will provide training and support for all volunteer opportunities.


In all our activities, a volunteer may provide verbal prompts and guidance so that a participant can successfully complete their activity. We feel strongly that many farm activities can be structured as learning opportunities.


  • In our non-riding equine activities, a volunteer may assist a participant while bringing a donkey in from the field, haltering, leading and grooming.


Our farm and agricultural activities vary depending on the daily needs at the farm and the seasons. Volunteers may provide participant guidance for activities such as:


  • Picking up manure in the fields

  • A wood stacking project

  • Fence repairs

  • Vegetable and flower garden assistance; starting seeds, transplanting seedling, weeding, and harvesting produce for our weekly Farmers Market Booth in Newport.


In our “On the Road” program, a volunteer may assist with getting donkeys read to visit, loading the trailer, traveling to our destination, and providing participant support at an off-site location. We regularly visit residential facilities, childcare facilities, and adult day programs. We also walk in area parades and participate in local donkey shows.


Volunteer Requirements


You must have a desire and ability to assist people with varied disabilities and diverse needs learn new skills. Additionally, you should be able and willing to walk for at least half an hour and participate in outdoor activities. While we take into consideration hot and cold temperatures and inclement weather, we are an OUTDOOR PROGRAM. Volunteers must come dressed appropriately to work in an outdoor environment and dressed for the weather. Proper shoes/boots required. NO FLIPFLOPS OR OPEN-TOED SHOES.


Commonly asked questions

Do I need Equine experience?


            No, you do not need to have prior experience with donkeys or horses. We will work with you so that you are comfortable around the donkeys.


How much time is required?

We ask that you volunteer at the same time session each week. Usually 1-1/2 to 2 hours depending on the farm activity.

Off-site visits may involve more time.


If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out the Volunteer Application and Liability Release form and return it to us!








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